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Is it possible to have only specific vehicles tracked?
Yes. The carrier/haulier can maintain the shared vehicles in his account at the Telematics Service provider, where only specific vehicles can be activated for sharing with Agheera. If the carrier decided to track only specific vehicles, he is responsible to maintain this information in the account with the Telematics Provider every time a new vehicle is being used. Due to frequent changes of the vehicle setup, we recommend sharing the position data of the whole fleet.

Is it possible to have the whole fleet of the carrier tracked?
Yes, the trackable vehicles can be defined as per the carrier’s settings in his account with the Telematics provider. It is recommended to share the data of the whole fleet with Agheera.

What to do in case vehicles of the fleet are added/removed/replaced later?
The carrier/haulier should notify the GPS Telematics Provider and provide them with changes/ of devices/license plates for correct data transmission to Agheera. Otherwise the tracking might not work.

How to track new vehicles or vehicles that were added after this registration?
If carrier is integrated, new licence plates need to be added in order to be trackable:

  • carrier has to maintain his account at Telematics provider webportal (e.g. by drag & drop of licence plates)
and sometimes in addition:
  • the carrier needs to enable new licence plate(s) to be sent to Agheera in Telematics provider webportal, at some Telematics providers this is done by default

Why is the GPS provider (Telematics Service provider) sometimes shown with different names?
In the section Telematics Service Provider you may search for the provider, and if Agheera already integrated the provider, their name will be shown. The same service may be called by a different name. In this case please select one of them up to your best knowledge.

What is being tracked - the trailer, or the pulling unit?
Agheera can track either one of them but it depends on the Telematic Service provider. While the pulling unit is usually the one equipped with the GPS device, Agheera can also track the trailer, if the trailer data are being shared by the Telematics Service provider. In any case, the licence plate of the tracked unit needs to be provided to Agheera in the shipment data.
The rules on what is being tracked may differ from customer to customer.

When does Agheera start to track?
The approval to share the data is valid from the date the online registration was submitted.
After technical completion of the integration, Agheera’s tracking service starts once there are trips with shared assets of the carrier. The visibility of tracking starts with entering the first loading place and ends with exiting the last unloading place. The crossing of loading and unloading places is detected by geofencing.

When does Agheera stop the tracking?
The tracking visibility ends with exiting the last unloading place. The crossing of loading and unloading places is detected by geofencing.

What if carriers do not know the credentials to their backend? (left blank in the credential section)
Agheera will request it from their Telematics Service Provider, but some may not provide it without consent of carrier. In this case Agheera will reach out to the carrier.

What if carriers provide credentials to their frontend (webportal) instead of the backend (webservice)?
Agheera will ask their Telematics Service Providers for correct credentials, but some providers may not provide it without consent of carrier. In this case Agheera will reach out to the carrier.

What if (small) Telematics Service providers do not have “door” to backend? (no API)
If investment is needed by the Telematics Service provider to setup an API (Application Programming Interface), Agheera cannot cover the cost. Agheera will try to find another solution with the Telematic Service Provider, for example other interface could be set up (files to ftp server, email integration, …).

What is the cost related to the tracking service?
The tracking service is free of charge for the carrier.

Which data is shared with Agheera?
The carrier’s Telematic Service provider will share data with Agheera via an automatic interface. The most commonly shared data are: Last position (longitude and latitude which can be resolved by Agheera into an address), speed, direction of driving, temperature and measurement time of the GPS device.

With whom are the tracking data being shared?
Above data are only being shared with the carrier’s client who invited the carrier to register at Agheera and with the related end customer, such as consignee or consignor of the goods.

What happens after finalizing the registration?
Agheera will send the carrier a summary of the provided details and confirm the registration. At this time, Agheera will start with the technical integration. In case of missing information, Agheera Team will reach out to the carrier. The client that invited the carrier, will also be informed about the status.

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